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Your Dentist in Tappan Says You Can Relax In the Dental Chair

August 30, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — washingtondent @ 11:10 am

dentist in tappanIf the thought of visiting the dentist makes you more than a little nervous, you’re not alone. There’s no shortage of tips for overcoming anxiety online, and when it comes to dental anxiety, we’ve got another one to add to the list. It’s sedation dentistry provided by your dentist in Tappan. Learn more about how we can help you overcome your dental fear today!

Why Dental Fears Form (And Persist)

It’s one of the most common fears. Unfortunately, the dental phobia causes too many adults to forgo the preventive care that teeth and gums require — and that’s bad news for oral health. But what causes dental fear and anxiety to form in the first place? And why do they persist well into adulthood? Many people are dealing with a fear of the dentist due to a bad past experience — perhaps a tooth that didn’t get completely numb during a routine filling in childhood. Even just one negative association with the dentist can have a lifelong impact on the way a person feels about dental care.

For other adults, it’s not necessary a fear of the dentist as it is a reluctance to cede control. Many people feel uncomfortably vulnerable lying back in the dental chair with their mouths open. Your hygienists and dentist can help make things more comfortable for you by sitting down beside you to speak, and by giving you plenty of time to discuss your oral health before beginning treatment.

Other Factors Influencing Dental Care

Of course, it’s not only dental fear and anxiety that prevent people from receiving the care they need. People dealing with mental or physical disabilities may also have difficulty sitting in the dental chair for long periods of time. Some patients become defensive and refuse to receive the care they desperately need. No matter what’s inhibiting a person’s ability to receive dental care, sedation dentistry provides a much-needed solution.

How Sedation Dentistry Works

At Washington Dental Associates and Smile More Dentistry, our on-site anesthesiologist, Dr. Mendia, provides intravenous (IV) sedation. It’s a type of conscious sedation throughout which you remain awake, but pleasantly removed from what’s going on around you. No longer bothered by the sights, smells, and sounds of the dental office, patients glide through treatments. General anesthesia is also available as necessary, but this method is usually reserved for the most complex treatments.

After your treatment is over, you will be escorted to our comfortable recovery room while the effects of sedation wear off. You should plan for someone to drive you home from your appointment, as you will be a little groggy for the rest of the day. You won’t remember anything from your treatment — something people dealing with dental phobias agree is a big benefit.

You Can Benefit From Relaxing Dentistry

If you are dealing with mental or physical barriers to good dental care, it’s time for you to seek a solution. Your sedation dentist in Tappan has the answer! Contact us to discuss your care or to schedule an appointment in Bergenfield or Tappan today.

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