In addition to their regular checkup, some school supplies, and maybe some new outfits, it’s vital that you take your child for a routine dental appointment. Besides an easier schedule in the summer, these regular dental checkups can prevent them from more serious dental issues that can lead to missing valuable time at school. Also, studies have shown that dental problems can dramatically decrease kids’ confidence and school performance. Thankfully, your family dentist in Bergenfield has some tips to ensure healthy smiles for the school year.
Back to School List? Add a Visit with Your Family Dentist in Bergenfield
June 30, 2019
Happy hour at Washington Dental Associates
June 26, 2019
Bergenfield is having a town wide happy hour starting June 25 through the 2nd week of July.
Washington Dental Associates has decided to join the fun and put in a twist of dentistry into their happy hour.