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Back to School List? Add a Visit with Your Family Dentist in Bergenfield

June 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — washingtondent @ 7:30 pm

Children smilingIn addition to their regular checkup, some school supplies, and maybe some new outfits, it’s vital that you take your child for a routine dental appointment. Besides an easier schedule in the summer, these regular dental checkups can prevent them from more serious dental issues that can lead to missing valuable time at school. Also, studies have shown that dental problems can dramatically decrease kids’ confidence and school performance. Thankfully, your family dentist in Bergenfield has some tips to ensure healthy smiles for the school year.

Oral Healthcare Starts at Home

You can serve as a good role model for your children by eating healthy, brushing, flossing, and using a mouthwash daily. This positive reinforcement will influence your children to maintain a good oral healthcare routine as they grow older.

Schedule Biannual Checkups & Cleanings

Even if your child brushes and flosses their teeth like a pro, food and plaque can still get caught in the nooks and crannies of their mouth. That’s one of the many reasons why your child should see their dentist at least twice a year. These appointments prevent and detect issues before they become more severe.

Time of Day Matters for Your Child’s Dental Appointment

When scheduling your loved one’s dental visit, you should consider the time of day. Do you want to avoid missing school? If they need more extensive dental work, should they receive it after their school day to avoid distracting them? These are some factors to think about when planning your child’s dental visit.

Overcome Your Dental Anxiety for Your Kids

Even if you have dental fear or anxiety, it’s important that you present yourself as strong, happy, calm, and relaxed. Your children will be able to sense that you’re nervous, which will in turn make them even more anxious than they already are. Combining your positive outlook on dental visits with a friendly and experienced dentist will help set your kids up for oral health success as they grow older.

Take a Card on the Way Out of the Office

Be sure that you and your child always have your dentist’s contact information on your person. So, next time you’re at the office, take a card, or even a few to give to each family member. Accidents happen when playing sports, on the playground, or even when chewing, so it’s important to know your next steps should an emergency occur.

Stay Calm Even When Your Child Isn’t

If your son or daughter gets upset during their dental visit, it’s important to stay cool. Calm, and collected. The worst thing you can do as a parent is to grab your child and leave because then their next appointment will be even more difficult and nerve-racking. Be the friendly, nice, and supportive parent that you can be, and work with your dentist to create a positive experience for your little one.

Are you ready to give your children the oral healthcare that they need for the school year? Contact your dentist to check off another item on their back to school list!

About the Practice

At Washington Dental Associates, we have a team of 4 expert dentists who specialize in providing relaxing and friendly dentistry. They enjoy treating patients of all ages to help create positive dental experiences early on. For any questions, they can be reached through their website or by phone at (201) 453-4863.

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