Do you know the ins and outs of gum disease in Bergenfield? Do you know its symptoms? What can happen if it’s left untreated? What to do to prevent it? As one of the most common dental problems seen by dentists throughout the country, you might find it worthwhile to check out 4 of these frequently asked questions about gum disease, so you can take the necessary steps to improve your oral health.
(more…)4 Factors That Increase Your Risk of Gum Disease
January 20, 2020
According to a survey taken by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in two adults in the United States has gum disease. Even though the problem is so common, it’s easily preventable with the right precautionary measures. One great way to preserve the health of your mouth is to recognize and control common risk factors for this disease. Read on to learn four causes of gum disease so you can work with your dentist to protect your smile from permanent damage.
(more…)New Year, New Benefits!
January 15, 2020
If you’ve put off visiting us because you’ve used up your dental benefits for 2019, give us call now!
Happy New Year! Individuals often start off the new year by making resolutions like eating healthier and beginning an exercise routine. Since the annual maximum amount provided by many dental insurance plans often resets in January, it makes sense to add keeping a healthy mouth to those goals, and get caught up on any dental treatment you might need.