Does the idea of dental work give you anxiety? Do you know you need to visit the dentist, but the fear of discomfort prevents you from scheduling an appointment? Thankfully, many dentists have a solution for this exact problem. With nitrous oxide, you will feel no discomfort during your visit and experience virtually no side effects afterward. But is it safe? Read on to find out more about this method of sedation and why you have nothing to fear should you require it in the future.
What is Nitrous Oxide?
Nitrous oxide is one of the most common and widely used forms of sedation dentistry in Bergenfield. Also known as “laughing gas,” this combination of nitrogen and oxygen is used to minimize dental anxiety and help patients feel more at ease. Although it is the mildest method of sedation, it is extremely effective at helping keep individuals in a relaxed state throughout the appointment.
The way it is used includes a small mask that covers the nose. Once the gas is turned on, you inhale, breathing in the solution, which will begin to take effect within minutes. You may feel as if you are floating. You will stay conscious the entire time. In fact, you will remain cognizant enough to follow any cues by your sedation dentist in Bergenfield.
Is it Safe to Use?
Years of research and studies conclude that nitrous oxide is, by far, one of the safest methods of sedation dentistry available. Not only has it been used for more than a hundred years, but it is non-addictive, gentle enough for children, and it is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. The effects of nitrous oxide also immediately begin to wear off when finished with treatment, so there is no need to worry about feeling groggy or overly tired when leaving the dentist’s office.
You should talk to your dentist, however, if you are taking any medications or experiencing any medical conditions prior to receiving nitrous oxide. It is possible that with certain situations, such as pregnancy, mental health conditions, respiratory illness, or individuals with a history of substance abuse, nitrous oxide should not be administered.
A lot of people are nervous about visiting the dentist, but with nitrous oxide, you can finally get the care you need without having to battle through stress and anxiety.
About the Author
Dr. Jonathan Mendia is a board-certified anesthesiologist who received his Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Completing more than 1,200 cases of hospital-based general anesthesia during his residency, he has years of training and experience helping patients stay comfortable and calm during their dental appointments. If you or a loved one is preparing for an upcoming procedure and have questions about sedation dentistry, contact us at (201) 453-4863.