Did you know that tooth decay is one of the most prevalent chronic conditions? In fact, it is second only to the common cold! While poor oral hygiene and high-sugar diets are two leading contributors, some prescription drugs are also a culprit. So, the nearly 75% of Americans who take at least one medication need to be especially vigilant about their oral health. Read on for four common medicines that lead to dental decay and how your dentist can help protect your smile!
(more…)How Can Flossing Improve Your Life?
September 28, 2020
Brushing and flossing are equally important to ensure your oral health and to protect your general health. Most people are pretty good about daily brushing…but flossing… well, that’s another story.
First get the facts, then your floss!
Failing to floss regularly can lead to a dental domino effect: plaque build-up, gingivitis, periodontitis, teeth falling out, premature aging and eventually seriously compromised health longevity.
(more…)How Are School Lunches Affecting My Child’s Oral Health?
September 21, 2020
You do your best to ensure that your child makes smart nutritional choices when they are at home. However, for a large portion of the year, they may be at school for at least one of their daily meals. Have you thought about how school lunches may be affecting your child’s oral health? Some items may promote a healthy mouth. Other items, however, pose a real danger to teeth. A dentist for children is here to talk about a specific way in which school lunches may affect your child’s oral health and how you can protect their smile even when they are away from home.
(more…)Tooth and Bone Loss CAN ALTER Your Overall Appearance!
September 15, 2020
Your jawbone is an important feature that performs many essential tasks every single day. It provides support for your teeth and allows you to eat and speak properly. Additionally, your jawbone maintains your facial shape and defines your unique facial features.