During your regular appointment, your dentist confirms you have a severely decayed tooth that will require treatment. Unexcited by this information, you inquire as to how necessary it is to have a dental crown placed right now. With the holidays quickly approaching and only weeks left in 2020, you may be wondering why you shouldn’t just wait until 2021 to take care of your smile. Before falling victim to this mindset, a dentist in Bergenfield shares why it is far more beneficial for you to undergo treatment now instead of waiting until the new year.
The Dangers of Waiting
While you are entitled to hold off until 2021 to receive your dental crown, this is most likely not the recommendation your dentist will provide. Here’s why:
- Any decay or damage currently plaguing your tooth can worsen over time, resulting in the possibility of needing more complex dental care such as root canal therapy.
- If you wait too long to have your dental crown put into place, saving your tooth may no longer be an option. Instead, your dentist may need to extract it to avoid worsening oral health conditions.
- You can lose valuable dental insurance benefits that do not rollover.
Ways to Avoid Losing Money
Apart from the fact that you could be putting your oral health at risk if you decide to wait, you’ll also miss out on the available benefits that come with your dental insurance plan. Since most policies are based on a calendar year, you will be unable to use any remaining funds come January 1. Instead, any money left over from your annual maximum will be returned to your insurance company. Also, your deductible will be reset to $0 at midnight on December 31. By waiting, you will first need to meet your deductible before your insurer agrees to pay more for the services you receive.
But should you choose to have your dental crown placed before the end of 2020, you not only have the opportunity to embrace the new year with a healthier smile, but you’ll also be saving more money in the long run. Since receiving a dental crown can be categorized as a minor or major restorative treatment, your insurance company may agree to cover anywhere from 50-80% of the total cost. This means big savings for you!
Don’t let 2020 end without taking care of your oral health. Not only will it ensure fewer problems in the future, but you’ll have more money in your pocket to kick off the new year the right way.
About the Author
Dr. Mariliza LaCap has more than two decades of experience working in the oral healthcare field. Completing her Aesthetic Advantage Certification at New York University, she went on to receive her DDS degree from Columbia University School of Dental & Oral Surgery. As a trusted and respected dental professional, she and her team at Washington Dental Associates are here to deliver timely results as well as help you maximize your benefits to avoid losing valuable money at the end of the year. To find out what you can to do take advantage of your plan, contact us at (201) 453-4863.