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Is Dental Bonding a Costly Cosmetic Treatment? 

December 9, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — washingtondent @ 5:20 pm
person receiving dental bonding

Fixing minor cosmetic imperfections might seem like a pain, especially since it may not be something others can see. However, if a stain, small chip, or crack is present, you may want to go ahead and address the problem. But if a traditional veneer or dental crown is not what you have in mind for treatment but instead, you prefer dental bonding, there are a few things you may have questions about. This conservative and convenient cosmetic solution is often popular among patients, but how much does dental bonding cost? A dentist is here to explain why it’s an affordable, worthwhile investment.

How Expensive is Dental Bonding?

When compared to traditional veneers or crowns, dental bonding is an affordable and convenient way to improve your smile in less time. Not only does it not require the removal of tooth enamel, but it takes only one appointment to complete the process. That means you can walk away the same day with a new and improved appearance that garners greater confidence. Of course, you will need a scheduled consultation before moving forward with the process, and your dentist will need to consider a few factors before developing a cost estimate for your treatment.

These may include:

  • Whether you require any preliminary treatments before receiving dental bonding. You’ll want to make sure any health-related problems are addressed.
  • How many teeth need dental bonding, as this will require more composite resin.
  • How you plan to pay, as dental insurance will not cover the cost of cosmetic treatment.

Why It’s a Worthwhile Investment

Instead of spending thousands of dollars on more complex and permanent cosmetic options, you may be able to pay only a few hundred to pursue dental bonding. Every patient is different, so there is no definitive cost. However, you can rest assured that you’re making a worthwhile investment for these reasons:

  • You cannot put a price on improved confidence. When you like what you see and feel good about your appearance, it is truly priceless.
  • You get to keep more of your natural tooth enamel so that you can avoid committing to a permanent cosmetic approach.
  • The process is completed in one day, as opposed to needing 2-3 dental visits.

If you want a more conservative way to improve the look of your smile, you cannot go wrong with dental bonding. In no time at all, you can see a renewed appearance that doesn’t require you to empty your savings.

About the Author
Dr. Mariliza LaCap has more than two decades of experience working in the oral healthcare field. She and her colleagues work hard to provide patients access to cosmetic solutions that will hide flaws and improve appearances. If you’re considering dental bonding and would like to learn more, contact us at (201) 453-4863.

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