When you think of the typical person who needs their wisdom teeth removed, you are likely to think of young adults. This is because wisdom teeth emerge in your late teens to early 20’s, and if they need to be removed are usually extracted soon after. But what happens if you never had yours removed and they’re causing you problems later in life, even in your 50’s and beyond? Are you ever “too old” to have them extracted?
Here’s why you may still need your wisdom teeth removed no matter how young or old you are.
What Are Wisdom Teeth, anyway?
Wisdom teeth are technically a spare set of molars that come in during early adulthood. Researchers believe they initially appeared as kind of a back up option for molars that might have been worn down by early man’s diet. Fortunately, with the modern invention of utensils and different cooking methods, wisdom teeth aren’t necessary anymore, but they still grow in. Now, for some people this is no big deal, and they just have four extra adult teeth, but in many other cases, these spare molars cause more harm than good.
Why Do People Remove Their Wisdom Teeth?
Unfortunately, wisdom teeth can cause many problems, including crowding, cavities, and even impaction. Impaction occurs when the wisdom teeth become trapped underneath the gums and jawbone and cannot fully erupt. This can not only cause a great deal of pain, but it can also damage your nearby healthy teeth. It can also damage your bite and the alignment of your teeth.
Thankfully, extraction usually eliminates many of these problems if it is done early enough, however in some cases, you may need further intervention such as repairs to your remaining teeth or even orthodontic treatment.
How Old Is “Too Old” For Wisdom Tooth Extraction?
If you never had your wisdom teeth removed either because you were never aware of them being a problem, or because you could not afford to when it was initially recommended, you may be wondering if it’s too late to still have them removed. The answer to this is a resounding no! It is never too late to remove your wisdom teeth, but your procedure may look a little different than it might have as a teenager.
For starters, you will likely need a bit more downtime to recover than a younger patient. While most people take about three days to feel like themselves again, an older patient might take closer to a week. If you are planning to have yours removed, be sure to schedule your downtime accordingly.
You might also experience some numbness or loss of sensation in your lower lip following extraction, as the roots of your wisdom teeth will grow closer and closer to that particular nerve with time.
Ultimately, however, having your wisdom teeth removed is a good idea at any age, especially if they are causing you pain, crowding, or any other oral health problems. Extracting them can save you a lot of pain and even keep your other teeth in good health, and you’re never too old for a healthy mouth!
About Our Practice
At Washington Dental Associates, we help patients of all ages achieve optimal oral health. Whether you need a cleaning, a new set of veneers, or your wisdom teeth removed, we can do it all under one convenient roof.
To experience the compassionate care of the team at Washington Dental Associates, schedule your wisdom tooth extraction today by visiting our website or calling 201-453-4863.