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How To Care For Your Teething Baby

July 12, 2016

Northvale Children's DentistTEETHING IS NO FUN for babies or parents. Some babies’ teeth erupt with no problems at all but for others, it could be a long and painful process.

Besides giving your child plenty of tender loving care, here are some things you can do to care for your child’s mouth during the teething phase.

Be Aware Of Teething Signs And Symptoms

When your little one finally starts teething, it’s normal for them to be fussy and irritable. Common symptoms are difficulty sleeping, decrease in appetite and increased drooling. It’s also normal for their temperature to increase slightly when they’re teething, however, high-grade fevers are not normal. If your child seems overly cranky or has a high fever, call your physician. (more…)

Orthodontics in Tappan

June 30, 2016

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orthodonticsLauren Hutton, Michael Strahan, Madonna, Condoleezza Rice, Eddie Murphy and David Letterman. What do they all have in common? A gap between their two front teeth, which is medically termed a diastema. For celebrities, this can be a distinguishing characteristic. Nevertheless, most people prefer to eliminate the gap. Fortunately, that can almost always be accomplished with orthodontics while children are young. For this and other orthodontics, Tappan, NY, and Bergenfield, NJ, parents can trust the dentists at both of our conveniently located offices that will now be offering a comprehensive menu of pediatric dental services.


Bergenfield Dentists Offer Free Dental Care for Dumont, New Milford residents

January 20, 2012

Bergenfield, NJ—–Dr. Mariliza LaCap and Dr. Darren Tong, residents of Old Tappan, will provide a day of FREE dentistry for children ages 16 and below as part of the National Children?s Dental Health Month. This will be their seventh year in providing this most needed service. Last year they provided a value of over $25,000 of dentistry.

Doctors and Team members volunteer their time. Give Kids A Smile”, will be held on February 10 (Friday) 9:00 am - 5:00 pm at Washington Dental Associates located at 19 Legion Drive in Bergenfield.

Our office is one of a few offices in the Bergen County area participating in this program.  “It?s heartbreaking to see a child?s smile destroyed by severe tooth decay.” said Dr LaCap. “Imagine not being able to eat, sleep or pay attention in school because you have a mouthful of toothaches. It?s tragic. In this tough economic times when parents are loosing their jobs, it’s even more important for us to give back to the community and help out.  All the Doctors and team members in our office volunteer their time.  We work with an amazing group of people who are giving and caring.”

Expected growth in appointments this year will be due to the high unemployment rate in New Jersey, the explosive growth of children living in poverty and more families opting to forgo dental insurance and treatment in order to help pay for other essential living expenses.

“Tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease in America and it is 100% preventable.” says Dr. Tong, a Columbia University graduate and pediatric dentist.   “The more we keep pushing this message out to the public and those who can help us reach this goal, the faster we can put our children on the road to becoming cavity free.”

“Giving back to the community that has supported our office is also important to us”, says Dr. Tong. “This program will touch the lives of so many of new Jersey?s children who need oral healthcare and instruction. I am proud to be a part of this special day of giving.”

“Our focus this year is the Northern New Jersey community. We are hoping to serve children whose parents cannot afford to provide dental health care,” said Dr. LaCap, a Columbia University Alumnus who has been practicing dentistry for over 19 years with her husband Dr. Tong.

Qualified children (children with NJ Care card, medicaid or whose parent?s simply can’t afford the dentistry needed) should call and make an appointment.  “These appointments fill up quickly. We usually have to turn people away,” says Larni, the front office manager. The children will receive a comprehensive dental exam, any emergency treatment, oral healthcare instruction, fluoride treatment and free dental hygiene material including toothbrush, toothpaste and floss.

If your children or any children you know qualifies for this program, please call their office at (201) 384-2425 and mention the “Give Kids a Smile” progam. They are also looking for more dental assistants or hygienists to volunteer their time on this special day of giving, please give them a call or visit their website at and click on “Giving back to the Community”.

Affordable Dentistry in Bergenfield, Dumont and New Milford, NJ

May 11, 2011

While you may think that dentistry today has become rather expensive, you will be surprised to know that there are places that still quite affordable for the average household.  Are you grinning and bearing a toothache because there you do not have the funds to pay for a dental appointment?

If so, please take the time to contact me, Dr. Tong.  My office located at 19 LEGION DR 07621 has affordable dental services and can definitely work something out to treat your dental woes.

Dentistry can be very affordable if don’t delay your routine dental checkups.  The longer you wait to discuss your dental pain or other dental problems, the more expensive it can become.  When visiting our office at 19 LEGION DR, Bergenfield, NJ, we will take the time to evaluate all your dentistry needs and guarantee to offer you an affordable price.

Stop procrastinating over your mild dental problem now and keep your dental appointments affordable by ensuring that more serious dental problems don’t develop.

In my Bergenfield office, I have been able to assist and help out many families. I can help you and your family as well.

You should know that as the leading dentist in Bergenfield and the Bergen County area, I, Dr. Darren Tong am committed to doing quality dentistry work.  I want my patients to experience quality dental work and feel comfortable knowing that they are getting quality at affordable prices.

When you walk into my Bergenfield office you will feel confident and re-assured that this is an affordable dentist office that cares about your dental needs and will always provide you the highest quality of work.

You don’t need to hesitate or wait until that bonus comes through to have dental work done because it is now affordable.  If you live in Bergenfield, New Milford, Dumont, Demarest or Teaneck, NJ area, stop in and visit us today.

Video of Dumont, Bergenfield, New Milford Dentists Providing Free Dentistry

March 11, 2011

A Day of Free Dentistry Click on the link to the left to see a video of what happened that day.

A Day of Free Dentistry For Children who live in Bergenfield, Dumont or New Milford

January 26, 2011

Dr. Mariliza LaCap,  Dr. Darren Tong and their dental team will provide a day of free preventive and emergency dental care for underprivileged children ages 16 and below as part of the National Children?s Dental Health Month. This will be their sixth year in providing this most needed service. Last year they provided a value of over $10,000 of dentistry.

The program, called “Give Kids A Smile”, will be held on February 18 (Friday) 9:30 am – 5:30 pm at Washington Dental Associates located at 19 Legion Drive in Bergenfield, New Jersey

Our office is one of a few offices in the Bergen County area participating in this program. Last year more than 48,000 dental team members nationwide participated in “Give kids a Smile”. “It?s heartbreaking to see a child?s smile destroyed by severe tooth decay.” said Dr LaCap. “Imagine not being able to eat, sleep or pay attention in school because you have a mouthful of toothaches. It?s tragic. Our state needs to do more to help children get the dental care they need.”

Nearly 1 in 4 children, aged 2 to 11 years old have untreated cavities in their baby teeth, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While poor diet and oral hygiene certainly play a role, cavities areactually caused by a disease called caries, which is five times more common than asthma.

The National Institutes of Health report that 80 percent of tooth decay is found in just 25 percent of children, primarily from low-income families. Public health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children?s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) are supposed to help undeserved children, but utilization rates are low.

“With ?Give Kids A Smile? , we can help some children get the dental care they need, but a one-day event will never be enough. Our event is not a cure all, it?s a wake up call. Charity is not a health care system,” said Dr. LaCap.

“Giving back to the community that has supported our office is also important to us”, says Dr. Tong. “This program will touch the lives of so many of new Jersey?s children who need oral healthcare and instruction. I am proud to be a part of it.

“Our focus this year is the Northern New Jersey community. We are hoping to serve children whose parents cannot afford to provide dental health care,” said Dr. LaCap, a Columbia University Alumnus who has been practicing dentistry for over 19 years with her husband Dr. Tong.

Qualified children (children with NJ Care card, medicaid or whose parent?s combined income is less than $40,000) should call and make an appointment. The office plans to see at least 60 children. “These appointments fill up quickly. We usually have to turn people away,” says Larni, the front office manager. The children will receive a comprehensive dental exam, any emergency treatment, oral healthcare instruction, fluoride treatment and free dental hygiene material including toothbrush, toothpaste and floss.

If your children or any children you know qualifies for this program, please call their office at (201) 384-2425 and mention the “Give Kids a Smile” progam. They are also looking for more dental assistants or hygienists to volunteer their time on this special day of giving, please give them a call or visit their website at and click on “Giving back to the Community”.

Bergenfield, New Jersey Dentist, Dr. Mariliza Lacap with a happy patient.

Dr. Mariliza Lacap with a happy patient during "Give Kids a Smile Day"

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